No summary provided.
Pick<SlashCommandBuilder, 'toJSON'>Inherited from SharedNameAndDescription
Inherited from SharedNameAndDescription
Inherited from SharedNameAndDescription
Inherited from SharedNameAndDescription
Inherited from SharedSlashCommandOptions
Adds an attachment option
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
input | SlashCommandAttachmentOption | ((builder: SlashCommandAttachmentOption) => SlashCommandAttachmentOption) | No | A function that returns an option builder, or an already built builder |
Adds a boolean option
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
input | SlashCommandBooleanOption | ((builder: SlashCommandBooleanOption) => SlashCommandBooleanOption) | No | A function that returns an option builder, or an already built builder |
Adds a channel option
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
input | SlashCommandChannelOption | ((builder: SlashCommandChannelOption) => SlashCommandChannelOption) | No | A function that returns an option builder, or an already built builder |
Adds an integer option
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
input | Pick<SlashCommandIntegerOption, Exclude<keyof SlashCommandIntegerOption, 'addChoices'>> | Pick<SlashCommandIntegerOption, Exclude<keyof SlashCommandIntegerOption, 'setAutocomplete'>> | SlashCommandIntegerOption | ((builder: SlashCommandIntegerOption) => Pick<SlashCommandIntegerOption, Exclude<keyof SlashCommandIntegerOption, 'addChoices'>> | Pick<SlashCommandIntegerOption, Exclude<keyof SlashCommandIntegerOption, 'setAutocomplete'>> | SlashCommandIntegerOption) | No | A function that returns an option builder, or an already built builder |
Adds a mentionable option
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
input | SlashCommandMentionableOption | ((builder: SlashCommandMentionableOption) => SlashCommandMentionableOption) | No | A function that returns an option builder, or an already built builder |
Adds a number option
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
input | Pick<SlashCommandNumberOption, Exclude<keyof SlashCommandNumberOption, 'addChoices'>> | Pick<SlashCommandNumberOption, Exclude<keyof SlashCommandNumberOption, 'setAutocomplete'>> | SlashCommandNumberOption | ((builder: SlashCommandNumberOption) => Pick<SlashCommandNumberOption, Exclude<keyof SlashCommandNumberOption, 'addChoices'>> | Pick<SlashCommandNumberOption, Exclude<keyof SlashCommandNumberOption, 'setAutocomplete'>> | SlashCommandNumberOption) | No | A function that returns an option builder, or an already built builder |
Adds a role option
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
input | SlashCommandRoleOption | ((builder: SlashCommandRoleOption) => SlashCommandRoleOption) | No | A function that returns an option builder, or an already built builder |
Adds a string option
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
input | Pick<SlashCommandStringOption, Exclude<keyof SlashCommandStringOption, 'addChoices'>> | Pick<SlashCommandStringOption, Exclude<keyof SlashCommandStringOption, 'setAutocomplete'>> | SlashCommandStringOption | ((builder: SlashCommandStringOption) => Pick<SlashCommandStringOption, Exclude<keyof SlashCommandStringOption, 'addChoices'>> | Pick<SlashCommandStringOption, Exclude<keyof SlashCommandStringOption, 'setAutocomplete'>> | SlashCommandStringOption) | No | A function that returns an option builder, or an already built builder |
Adds a user option
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
input | SlashCommandUserOption | ((builder: SlashCommandUserOption) => SlashCommandUserOption) | No | A function that returns an option builder, or an already built builder |
Sets the description
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
description | string | No | The description |
Sets a description localization
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
locale | LocaleString | No | The locale to set a description for |
localizedDescription | string | null | No | The localized description for the given locale |
Sets the description localizations
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
localizedDescriptions | LocalizationMap | null | No | The dictionary of localized descriptions to set |
Sets a name localization
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
locale | LocaleString | No | The locale to set a description for |
localizedName | string | null | No | The localized description for the given locale |
Sets the name localizations
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
localizedNames | LocalizationMap | null | No | The dictionary of localized descriptions to set |