Class used to build select menu components to be sent through the API
Constructs a new instance of the
className | Type | Optional | Description |
data | Partial<StringSelectMenuComponentData | APIStringSelectComponent> | Yes | None |
Adds options to this select menu
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
...options | RestOrArray<BuildersSelectMenuOption | SelectMenuComponentOptionData | APISelectMenuOption> | No | The options to add to this select menu |
Creates a new select menu builder from json data
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
other | JSONEncodable<APISelectMenuComponent> | APISelectMenuComponent | No | The other data |
Sets the options on this select menu
Name | Type | Optional | Description |
...options | RestOrArray<BuildersSelectMenuOption | SelectMenuComponentOptionData | APISelectMenuOption> | No | The options to set on this select menu |