
export interface GuildForumThreadMessageCreateOptions extends BaseMessageOptions, Pick<MessageCreateOptions, 'flags' | 'stickers'>
export interface GuildForumThreadMessageCreateOptions extends BaseMessageOptions, Pick<MessageCreateOptions, 'flags' | 'stickers'>

No summary provided.


Pick<MessageCreateOptions, 'flags' | 'stickers'>
Which mentions should be parsed from the message content (see [here]( for more details)
Inherited from BaseMessageOptions
Action rows containing interactive components for the message (buttons, select menus)
Inherited from BaseMessageOptions
The content for the message. This can only be null when editing a message. (default: '')
Inherited from BaseMessageOptions
embeds?:readonly (JSONEncodable<APIEmbed> | APIEmbed)[]
The embeds for the message
Inherited from BaseMessageOptions
The files to send with the message.
Inherited from BaseMessageOptions
The flags to send with the message Only MessageFlags.SuppressEmbeds and MessageFlags.SuppressNotifications can be set.
The stickers to send with the message